Privacy Agreement

Version 2022.7.24


This agreement describes the strategy of how SubRee of current version gets, stores and shares data. A user must agree this agreement or he/she can no longer use SubRee.

When SubRee adapts, this agreement may adapts as well. The new agreement will be pronounced along with the new version of SubRee to the user.

What data SubRee gets?

SubRee gets reading and writing privileges when a user dragged folder to SubRee’s main window.

SubRee request the user to give SubRee the reading and writing privilege of the folder that contains the files that the user dragged to SubRee’s main window.

If a user makes an IAP, SubRee will save the purchase result in KeyChain and cache the result in plist as well.

Why SubRee gets those data?

Reading and renaming the subtitle files and moving them to the folders that contain the video files request reading and writing privileges.

Purchase data is used to record user purchase items, remain file amount and restore purchase.

How SubRee stores those data?

SubRee doesn’t store any privileges. When preview window closed, all privileges were released.

SubRee uses iCloud Keychain to auto sync purchase data.

SubRee uses iCloud Key-Value to sync preferences.

Does SubRee share data with third party?



For fixing errors that an app may exist, Apple automatically collects and sending data to the Apple server when the app crashes. Apple shares the crashing data to the app’s developer. The function is designed for improving the user experience and can be disabled in the system setting.

Privacy Agreement (SubRee prior to version 3.0)

Version 2019.11.30


This agreement describes the strategy of how SubRee of current version gets, stores and shares data. A user must agree this agreement or he/she can no longer use SubRee.

When SubRee adapts, this agreement may adapts as well. The new agreement will be pronounced along with the new version of SubRee to the user.

What data SubRee gets?

SubRee gets reading and writing privileges when a user dragged folder to SubRee’s main window.
SubRee request the user to give SubRee the reading and writing privilege of the folder that contains the files that the user dragged to SubRee’s main window.

Why SubRee gets those data?

Reading and renaming the subtitle files and moving them to the folders that contain the video files request reading and writing privileges.

How SubRee stores those data?

SubRee doesn’t store any privileges. When preview window closed, all privileges were released.

Does SubRee share data with third party?



For fixing errors that an app may exist, Apple automatically collects and sending data to the Apple server when the app crashes. Apple shares the crashing data to the app’s developer. The function is designed for improving the user experience and can be disabled in the system setting.